Sunday, November 8, 2009

A Regular Revolution

Papi, Mami, and the four girls are living in the United States, but the girls are complaining that they want to go back home. But soon the girls begin to adjust to the ways of American life. Their parents starts to worry, so they decide to send the girls back to the Island to remember the Dominican culture and reconnect with their extended family. When their mother found a bag of marijuana behind the bureau, Sophia admitted that the bag was hers. As punishment, Sophia had to stay on the Island for a year. During that time, Sophia changed her appearance and is dating her uncle's illegitimate son, Manuel Gustavo, who turns out to be bossy and possessive. Yolanda, Sandi, and Carla become angered when they find out that Sophia is sleeping with Manuel without protection. The three sisters come up with a plan to leave Sophia with Manuel without a chaperon, which will get Sophia in trouble. Their mother decides to send Sophia back to America before her reputation is ruined.



  1. Thank you Janet for this summary. It really had helped me remember what went on in that specific chapter. Plus, all your summaries have been really detailed and to the point. (:

    I found it rather interesting that the girls were sent back to their island because their parents were worried that they forgot about their culture. This made me think that when I was sent to China for a vacation, was it actually a vacation, or did my mom want me to refresh my memory of my country and my culture.

    -Michelle Xia

  2. It seems as if the island WORSENED Sophia's behavior! I think that instead of sending them back to the Dominican Republic right away, they should've had a family meeting of some sort and discussed some issues they had. This probably would've been a better solution than to send them right back to the Dominican Republic, and might have given them a warning that if they do indeed mess up, this is the consequence.

    -Angelinaaaaa c(:

  3. Sending the girls back to their home country wasn't a very good decision made by their parents. Instead of the girls showing improvement in their attitudes, it got worse. I think that the parents should have had a family discussion with them one on one instead of just whisking them away to Dominican Republic and assuming that everything will be fine. The parents should have also stated the consequences, like Angelina said, if the girls continued with their bad habits. That way, the girls would try to avoid their parent's punishments.

    -Monica Sharma (:

  4. You have done a really good job with this, Janet. This is a rather difficult role, and you've done great so far.

    To add on to what Michelle said, I thought that that was rather harsh. Maybe if the parents sat down with their daughters and talked to them about their unappropriate behavior, things might have been resolved, instead of jumping the gun and shipping them off to the DR!

    -Angelinaaa :P
