Monday, October 12, 2009

Sandra's story.

I'd like to really evaluate one of the things that Janet has brought up in her last post.

From page 50 to about page 56,  the mother's story about Sandra.

As Janet mentioned before, the mother does not like to talk about Sandra, and telling stories about her.  Sandra had a "small breakdown", and began to starve herself.  She claimed in the hospital that she had "very little time left", so she began to read religiously.  She said that she was going to turn into a monkey soon..

What do you guys think of this situation?  I'm a bit confused.. Does she really have monkey organs, or is this all crazy talk?

Comment with your feedback here (:



  1. Great question! (:
    I was kind of confused at this part too, however I think it is more crazy talk than her actually turning into a monkey. I think it's more like a mental issue.

  2. I was so confused about that part too! But I agree with michelle, it was probably just crazy talk caused by her mental problem. But why did Sandra kept saying that "she had little time left?" Was she planning on dying from the beginning? Is that why she wanted to read all those books?

  3. She said she had little time left until she turned into a monkey. O_O
    I don't even know.
    She wasn't planning on dying though. I know from prior knowledge that when you have an eating disorder, you begin to create lists and lists and insane goals that are extremely difficult to reach. This was probably one of those lists.
